Source code for dcma.biasing

High-level interface to specify biasing potentials and forces that
were applied to the simulation.

from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np

[docs]class Bias(object): """ A class to process command line options that handle biased simulations. """ def __init__(self, pulling_force=None, bias_file=None, bias_function=None, temperature=None): """ Args: pulling_force: Pulling force in Piconewton. bias_file: A file containing a vector of biases (length: n_bins + 2). bias_function: A string containing a lambda function. temperature: in Kelvin, required to convert pulling_force into the right units """ self._pulling_force = pulling_force self._bias_file = bias_file self._bias_function = bias_function self._temperature = temperature assert self._not_none_count() <= 1, \ ("Error: the options --pulled, --bias_file, and " "--bias_function are mutually exclusive") if pulling_force is not None: assert temperature is not None, \ "Option --pulled requires temperature to be specified." if (temperature is not None) and (pulling_force is None): print("WARNING: --temperature argument is ignored (it is only " "used for pulling forces).") def _not_none_count(self): return ((self._pulling_force is not None) + (self._bias_file is not None) + (self._bias_function is not None) )
[docs] def get_biasing_type(self): if self._not_none_count() == 0: return "no" else: return "potential"
[docs] def get_potential(self, unit_converter): """ Args: unit_converter: An instance of :class:`` Returns: np.array: Biasing potential in units of kT. """ if self._not_none_count() == 0: return None elif self._pulling_force is not None: assert self._temperature > 0 generalized_centers = unit_converter.get_generalized_centers() # unit conversion pN -> kBT/Angstrom # U = - Fz (in pN * A) # pn * A = 10^-12 J*A/m = 10^-22 J # 1 kB T = 1.38 *10^-23*T J / K => 1 J = 10^23 / 1.38 / (T/K) kB # pn * A = 10/1.38 kB K result = (- 10/1.3806485279 / self._temperature * self._pulling_force * generalized_centers) return result elif self._bias_file is not None: result = np.loadtxt(self._bias_file) assert result.shape == (unit_converter.n_bins+2, ) return result.transpose() elif self._bias_function is not None: # get centers, including "virtual bin centers" # beyond the left and the right edges generalized_centers = unit_converter.get_generalized_centers() # get objective function func = eval(self._bias_function) result = np.array([func(z) for z in generalized_centers]) # no effective free energy difference over boundaries result[-1] = result[-2] result[0] = result[1] assert len(result) == unit_converter.n_bins + 2 return result assert False, "Invalid position reached in"