Source code for dcma.opt

Interface to the c++ core.
The data in c++ is dimensionless. The optimize function defined in this module
manages the conversion.

from __future__ import print_function
import os
import pickle
import numpy as np

    import pydiffusioncma
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError(
        os.linesep*2 +
        "Import error in dcma.optimize. "
        "The C++ wrappers (and probably the binaries) "
        "for the diffusioncma package (pydiffusioncma) "
        "are not installed. Please check out "
        " for instructions "
        "on how to install diffusioncma properly."

import numpy as np
from dcma import tools, matrices, profiles, biasing

[docs]def optimize(transition_matrices, energy=None, diffusion=None, dm="cos", em="cos", ds=6, es=9, cma_tolerance=None, logfile="", bias=biasing.Bias()): """Optimize profiles using CMA-ES method. Args: transition_matrices (list of matrices.Transitions): The observed transitions energy (np.array): Energy profile of shape (n_bins, ) if only D should be optimized (em="const") diffusion (np.array): Diffusion profile of shape (nbins, ) if only F should be optimized (dm="const") dm (str): Type of diffusion model (see dcma opt --help for available settings) em (str): Type of energy model (see dcma opt --help for available settings) ds (int): Number of coefficients for the diffusion profile es (int): Number of coefficients for the energy profile cma_tolerance (float): Tolerance for the optimization logfile (str): Path to log file (default=no logging) bias (biasing.Bias): A bias that was applied during simulation Returns: profiles.Profiles: the optimal profiles """ if logfile != "": # write coefficient configuration for interpretation of coefficients local_variables = locals() with open(logfile + ".coco", 'wb') as fp: pickle.dump(local_variables, fp) if type(transition_matrices) is matrices.Transitions: transition_matrices = [transition_matrices] weights = np.array([t.weight for t in transition_matrices]) converter = tools.UnitConverter.from_transitions(transition_matrices) if diffusion is not None: diffusion = converter.normalize_diffusion(diffusion, apply_log=True) if bias.get_biasing_type() is not "no": print("Biasing with the following potential:") print(bias.get_biasing_type(), bias.get_potential(converter)) kwargs = { "tmats": [m.matrix for m in transition_matrices], "lagtime": [m.lag_time for m in transition_matrices], "ener": energy, "diff": diffusion, "weight": weights, "opt": "cma", "dm": dm, "em": em, "ds": ds, "es": es, "cmat": cma_tolerance, "profile_out": "", "bias": bias.get_biasing_type(), "biasing_potential": bias.get_potential(converter), "logfile": logfile } # remove Nones kwargs = {k: kwargs[k] for k in kwargs if kwargs[k] is not None} solution = pydiffusioncma.optimize(**kwargs) opt_free_energy = solution.getProfiles().getFreeEnergy() opt_diffusion = solution.getProfiles().getDiffusion() opt_diffusion = converter.denormalize_diffusion(opt_diffusion) # this is a quick-fix: the optimization is only applied with interpolated diffusion profiles # D_{i+0.5} = 0.5*(D_i + D_{i+1}), the optimal solution can thus have large oscillations. # We apply a convolution to get rid of this effect. opt_diffusion = 0.25*( 2*opt_diffusion + np.roll(opt_diffusion, 1) + np.roll(opt_diffusion, -1) ) return profiles.Profiles( converter.edges, opt_free_energy, opt_diffusion )
[docs]class ProfileGenerator(object): """Generate Profiles from raw coefficients.""" def __init__(self, transition_matrices, energy=None, diffusion=None, dm="cos", em="cos", ds=6, es=9): if type(transition_matrices) is matrices.Transitions: transition_matrices = [transition_matrices] weights = np.array([t.weight for t in transition_matrices]) self.converter = tools.UnitConverter.from_transitions(transition_matrices) if diffusion is not None: diffusion = self.converter.normalize_diffusion(diffusion, apply_log=True) kwargs = { "tmats": [m.matrix for m in transition_matrices], "lagtime": [m.lag_time for m in transition_matrices], "ener": energy, "diff": diffusion, "weight": weights, "opt": "cma", "dm": dm, "em": em, "ds": ds, "es": es, "cmat": None, "profile_out": "", "logfile": "" } # remove Nones kwargs = {k: kwargs[k] for k in kwargs if kwargs[k] is not None} self._generator = pydiffusioncma.make_profile_generator(**kwargs) def __call__(self, coefficients): raw_profile = self._generator.generate(coefficients) opt_free_energy = raw_profile.getFreeEnergy() opt_diffusion = raw_profile.getDiffusion() opt_diffusion = self.converter.denormalize_diffusion(opt_diffusion) return profiles.Profiles( self.converter.edges, opt_free_energy, opt_diffusion )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_log(logfile): """ Create profile generator (and read data) from a log file. Args: logfile: logfile from a previous optimization run Returns: A tuple (generator, logs, best_coeff, best_f) - generator: A ProfileGenerator instance - logs (np.array): An array generated from the logs (time(s), objective, coeff1, coeff2, ...) - best_coeff (np.array): The optimal coefficients - best_f (float): The optimal objective function value """ coeff_config = os.path.expandvars(logfile+".coco") assert os.path.isfile(logfile) assert os.path.isfile(coeff_config) with open(coeff_config, "rb") as fp: coeff_config = pickle.load(fp) coeff_config = {key: coeff_config[key] for key in ["transition_matrices", "energy", "diffusion", "dm", "em", "ds", "es"]} generator = ProfileGenerator(**coeff_config) with open(logfile, "r") as fp: lines = fp.readlines() logs = np.genfromtxt(lines[1:-1]) best_coeff = np.genfromtxt(lines[-1].split()[2:]) best_f = float(lines[-1].split()[1]) return generator, logs, best_coeff, best_f