Source code for

Basic general toolbox.

import inspect
import os
import pkg_resources

import numpy as np

[docs]def path_relative_to_module(relative_path): # type (object) -> object """Get file from a path that is relative to caller's module. Returns: absolute path as string""" caller = inspect.stack()[1] mod = inspect.getmodule(caller[0]) return os.path.normpath(pkg_resources.resource_filename( mod.__name__, relative_path))
[docs]def bin_edges_to_centers(edges): centers = [0.5 * (edges[i + 1] + edges[i]) for i in range(len(edges) - 1)] return np.array(centers)
[docs]def bin_edges_to_widths(edges): widths = [abs(edges[i + 1] - edges[i]) for i in range(len(edges) - 1)] return np.array(widths)
[docs]def are_edges_consistent(edges_list, weights=None): """ Check if the bin edges for different replicas are consistent. Args: edges_list: a list of numpy arrays, where each array holds a set of edges weights: weights for the replicas Returns: A boolean """ if weights is None: weights = [1.0 for _ in edges_list] edges = np.average(edges_list, axis=0, weights=weights) for e in edges_list: if not np.all( np.absolute((e - edges) / (edges + 1e-4)) < 0.1 ): return False return True
[docs]class UnitConverter(object): """ In the c++ part of the program, all diffusion (and free energy profiles) are normalized, i.e. they are agnostic of the coordinates. This converter class helps to convert between units. - Permeabilities are given in cm/s. - Diffusion profiles are given in [10^-5 cm^2/s]. - Free energies are given in [k_B T]. """ def __init__(self, edges, weights=None, test_bin_consistency=True): if not type(edges) is list: edges = [edges] assert all(type(e) is np.ndarray for e in edges) if weights is None: weights = [1.0 for _ in edges] self._edges = np.average(edges, axis=0, weights=weights) self._bin_widths = bin_edges_to_widths(self._edges) self._bin_centers = bin_edges_to_centers(self._edges) if test_bin_consistency: assert are_edges_consistent(edges, weights)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_transitions(transition_matrices): return UnitConverter( [tmat.edges for tmat in transition_matrices], [tmat.weight for tmat in transition_matrices] )
@property def bin_widths(self): """ bin width in Angstrom""" return self._bin_widths @property def n_bins(self): """ number of bins """ return len(self._bin_widths) @property def edges(self): return self._edges @property def bin_centers(self): """ bin centers in Angstrom""" return self._bin_centers
[docs] def get_generalized_centers(self): """ Returns an array of size (n_bins + 2) that contains the bin centers plus "virtual" centers to the left and right. The latter are required to properly define the effect of biasing potentials at the edges. """ generalized_centers = self.bin_centers d = (self.bin_widths[0] + self.bin_widths[-1]) / 2.0 beyond_left = generalized_centers[0] - d beyond_right = generalized_centers[-1] + d generalized_centers = np.insert(generalized_centers, 0, beyond_left) generalized_centers = np.append(generalized_centers, [beyond_right]) return generalized_centers
[docs] def normalize_diffusion(self, diff, apply_log=False): """ Args: diff: diffusion profile in 10^-5 cm^2/s apply_log: Whether to apply a natural logarithm to the dimensionless diffusion. (log D is used internally by the c++ code and constant diffusion profiles (initial profiles) are given as log D) Returns: Dimensionless diffusion profile """ d = diff / self._bin_widths**2 / 10 # (factor 10 converts from 10e-5 cm^2/s to A^2/ps) if apply_log: d = np.log(d) return d
[docs] def denormalize_diffusion(self, diff): """ The reverse transformation of normalize_diffusion.""" return diff * self._bin_widths**2 * 10
[docs]def comma_string_to_list(some_string, converter=float): """ Converts "1,1,1" to [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]. """ some_list = some_string.strip().split(',') return [converter(l) for l in some_list]